Website's scripts

Interested in the scripts I have on my website? Go take a look at them; start crawling the root directory or take a look at the (sub)sitemap.

Parameter syntax

Descriptions for the parameters can be found in the request forms.

  • Asterisks * represent a value that can be (almost) anything.
  • Square brackets [] represent optional.
  • Curly brackets {} represent mandatory.
  • Pipes | represent either or.

There are three acceptable "sets" of parameters:

  1. /read/?sitemap={html|xml}
  2. /read/?path=*[&download=yes]
  3. /read/?path=*[&referer=*[&title=*]]

The order of the valid parameters doesn't matter, but this is the recommended/canonical order.

Request forms

Notice that these are three different forms.


The sitemap parameter can be either html, xml or the default none. It can't be used together with any other parameters.

Request an HTML sitemap instead of a page
request an XML sitemap instead of a page


A page (source code of a CGI script) is selected with the path parameter. The value of the path parameter is a URL relative to this site, ie. an URL beginning with a single slash.

The path is the site-local URL to the CGI script or directory you're interested in. If you set the value to /read/, you'll get the source code for this script. And if you set it to /, you'll get a directory listing of the site's root directory.

Download / see it as plain text

The download parameter can be set to either yes or the default no. The download option does obviously not work with directories.

Link back to a referencing page

If download is no or unset and a page (not a sitemap) was requested, it is possible to change the navigation to make the requested page link back to a referring page.

The referer (yes, misspelled like the HTTP Referer) parameter is the URL of the referencing page. (Don't try to specify a site that isn't mine.) The title parameter gives the back link a different text than Back.
