source code of /includes/footer.old

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  1. <!-- INCLUDED FOOTER -->
  2. <!--
  3. Deactivated this experiment:
  4. <script type="text/javascript">
  5. // MUST begin with ^
  6. const sitecheck = "^ht{2}ps?\u003a/{2}([-a-z0-9]+\\.)?os[k]og[9]7\\.c[o]m/.*";
  7. const gohome_and_ping = "ht\u0074ps\u003a/\u002fos\u006bog\u00397.c\u006fm/?";
  8. const webarchive_root = "^ht{2}ps?\u003a/{2}[w]eb\\.ar[c]hive\\.or[g]/we[b]/[^/]+/";
  9. const gcache_root = "^ht{2}ps?\u003a/{2}w[e]b[c]ache\\.g[o]og[l]eusercon[t]ent.c[o]m/sea[r]ch\\?q=ca[c]he:[^:]+:";
  10. const gtranslate_root = "^ht{2}ps?\u003a/{2}tran[s]late\\.g[o]og[l]eusercon[t]ent\\.c[o]m/tran[s]late_c\\?(.*)u=";
  11. var x = document.URL.toLowerCase().replace("%3a%2f%2f", "://");
  12. var webarchive = webarchive_root + sitecheck.slice(1);
  13. var googlecache = gcache_root + sitecheck.slice(1);
  14. var googletranslate = gtranslate_root + sitecheck.slice(1);
  15. if ( !(
  16.     RegExp(sitecheck).test(x) ||
  17.     RegExp(webarchive).test(x) ||
  18.     RegExp(googlecache).test(x) ||
  19.     RegExp(googletranslate).test(x)
  20. ) )
  21. {
  22.     var content = document.getElementById('content');
  23.     while (content.firstChild)
  24.     {
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  26.     }
  27.     /*
  28.      * Obfusctaion not needed here thanks to sites using separate URLs for
  29.      * mobile pages.
  30.      */
  31.     alert("You are being redirected to my real site!");
  32.     window.location.href = gohome_and_ping + document.URL;
  33. }
  34. </script>
  35. -->
  36.     <hr class="textonly"/>
  37.     <p>
  38.         Copyright © Oskar Skog<br/>
  39.         Website content released under the <a
  40.         href="" rel="license"
  41.         >Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0)</a> license
  42.         and all my software under the <span class="a"><a
  43.         href="__SITE__/pages/policy.html#license">FreeBSD license
  44.         (BSD 2-clause)</a>.</span>
  45.         <br/>
  46.         Images may be from other sites, I should have cited useful sources
  47.         somewhere on the page.  Contact me if I haven't.
  48.     </p>
  49.     <p>
  50.         __OUT_T__ source last modified <time datetime="__MODIFIED__"
  51.             >__MODIFIED__</time>
  52.         (__OUT_T__ generated
  53.         <time datetime="__TIMESTAMP__">__TIMESTAMP__</time>)
  54.     </p>
  55.     <p id="contact">
  56.         You can contact me at:
  57.         <var></var> in pseudo-reverse or
  58.         <var>root@localhost</var> if you are a three-eyed fish.
  59.     </p>
  60.     <p><strong>
  61.         Warning: This site is <a
  62.         href="__SITE__/pages/policy.html#fail2ban">protected</a>
  63.         with fail2ban!
  64.     </strong></p>
  65.     <p> <a class="notprint" href="__SITE__/read/?path=/style2.css">
  66.             CSS Stylesheet
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  68.         <a href="" rel="nofollow"
  69.             target="_blank" class="notprin"><span
  70.             class="img">Valid HTML5</span
  71.         ></a><br/>
  72.         <span class="a"><a href="/projects/#eternaltls">
  73.             My root certificate if you strangely happen to be looking for it.
  74.         </a></span>
  75.     </p>
  76. </div></footer>