source code of /sitecfg
Last modified | |
Lines | 63 |
Parent directory Download CGIread sitemap Main page
Quick links: (none)
# New MACRO syntax:
# %MACRO("arg","arg")%
# %%
# Each URL is generated with Makefile and simple script from URL.src
# __TITLE__
# __H1__
# NOTE If trailing slash: append 'index.html' in the Makefile.
'tree': (
'/', "Home", # Needs to be updated
#('/projects/', 'Projects', [
('/projects/anonymine/', 'Anonymine', None),
('/projects/light-sensor/', 'Analog light sensor', None),
('/projects/PLLM-M702A/', 'Reverse-engineered schematics for PLLM-M702A', None),
('/small-scripts/', 'Small scripts', [
('/read/', "Website's scripts", None),
('/thinkpad/', '-> My IBM thinkpad', None),
'subs': [
('/', 'Sitemap'),
'hidden': [
# Error pages:
('/oops/410.cgi', '410 - Gone forever; not coming back'),
('/oops/500.html', "500 - Uh-oh; I've screwed up"),
('/oops/cgi503.html', "503 Too Hot"),
('/projects/skogpasswdman/', 'Skogpasswdman'),
'index-names': ('', 'index.cgi', 'index.html'),
'conf': 'sitecfg',
'script': '/var/www/mkhtml',
'host': '',
'scheme': 'https',
'macros': {
'includes': {
'footer': '/var/www/includes/footer',
'html5': '/var/www/includes/html5',
'html5nc': '/var/www/includes/html5nc',
'ldjson': '/var/www/includes/ldjson',
'navconf': {
'active': 'span', # Active page is bold in navigation:
# 'b', 'strong', 'span'
# NOTE: the `class`-attribute is not
# different from the links
# Use something like
# '#navigation span span'
# to style the text differently.
'navdiv': 'nav-div', # Navigation area: 'div', 'nav-div', 'nav'