source code of /small-scripts/stackexchange/nuospin
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Lines | 76 |
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import sys
# Each item in `font` is a list of `font_height` strings.
# The glyphs are not limited to asterisks and spaces.
font_height = 7
margin_left = 1
margin_right = 1
font = {
'N': [
"* *",
"* *",
"** *",
"* * *",
"* **",
"* *",
"* *",
'U': [
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
" *** ",
'O': [
" *** ",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
"* *",
" *** ",
'S': [
" *** ",
"* *",
"* ",
" *** ",
" *",
"* *",
" *** ",
'P': [
"**** ",
"* *",
"* *",
"**** ",
"* ",
"* ",
"* ",
'I': [
" * ",
" * ",
" * ",
" * ",
" * ",
" * ",
" * ",
def printline(text):
for row in range(font_height):
for ch in text:
sys.stdout.write(' ' * margin_left)
sys.stdout.write(' ' * margin_right)