CGI gzip compression module

Simple CGI output module. Uses gzip compression on the output stream if the client accepts it.

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Quick links: done init output overload_test write_b write_body write_h write_head

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. import os
  3. import sys
  4. import subprocess
  5. # 2020-09-17    Somehow broke gzip compression
  6. #               Can't get subprocess.Popen to work anymore
  7. # 2022-**-**    Increased max load average from 3.5 to 6
  8. # 2022-05-21    and to 8
  9. # 2022-08-08    to 12
  10. '''
  11. compressout
  12. ===========
  13. Simple CGI output compression module.
  14. Not all webservers support compressing the output stream of CGI scripts.
  15. This script determines whether or not a client accept gzip compression and
  16. compresses the output stream of the script.
  17. NOTICE: The `cgitb` module will write to stdout if the script crashes,
  18. you should use a browser that does not accept gzip, when you are
  19. testing your scripts.
  20. NOTICE: This module uses two global variable: `use_gzip` and `body`.
  21. It's supposed to be used like an object, but rather than using a class,
  22. this is imported "pre-created" or so to say.
  23. NOTICE: There are two constants:
  24.   `max_load_avg_1min`:
  25.     This is the maximum allowed load average under one minute.
  26.     If the one minute load average exceeds this value, compressout will
  27.     return a 503 response to the client and abort the process.
  28.   `http503_body`:
  29.     A plain text error message to send if the server is overloaded.
  30. You should modify these constants to fit your own needs.
  31. Example / TL;DR
  32. ===============
  33. import compressout
  34. compressout.init()
  35. compressout.write_head('Content-Type: text/plain\r\n')
  36. compressout.write_head('Foo: test\r\nBar: test\r\n')
  37. # Blank line required for terminating the HEAD section
  38. compressout.write_head('\r\n')
  39. compressout.write_body('Hello world!\n')
  40. compressout.write_body('Bye.\n')
  41. compressout.done()
  42. Functions
  43. =========
  44. init(write_headers=True)
  45. ------------------------
  46.     Initialize the module.  This function will detect if the client
  47.     supports gzip.
  48.     If `write_headers` is True, the function writes a
  49.     'Vary: Content-Encoding' header and (if gzip is used) a
  50.     'Content-Encdoing: gzip' header.
  51. write_head(s) and write_h(s)
  52. ----------------------------
  54.     This function is used to print all HTTP headers **and the blank line
  55.     separating the head from the body**.
  56.     Write `s` to standard output, will never go through gzip.
  57. write_body(s) and write_b(s)
  58. ----------------------------
  59.     Write part of body.
  60.     NOTICE: You need to have printed the blank line after the headers
  61.     with the `write_h` (or `write_head`) fuction.
  63.     If gzip is supported by the client
  64.     ----------------------------------
  66.         `s` will be appended to a local buffer which the `done` function
  67.         will compress and print.
  69.     If gzip is not supported
  70.     ------------------------
  72.         `s` will go straight to stdout. The `done` function won't do
  73.         anything.
  74. done()
  75. ------
  76.     Done writing output.
  77.     This function will invoke gzip.
  78. Dos and don'ts
  79. ==============
  80.     * Try to call `init` and `done` at convenient locations like on the
  81.       "outside" of a main function, i.e. don't repeat yourself by calling
  82.       these two functions everywhere in your code.
  83.     * Never call `write_head` after any call to `write_body`.
  84.     * Always call `done` when your done.
  85.     * Use only compressout to write output, otherwise you'll have a mess.
  86.     * NOTICE: The `cgitb` module will write to stdout if the script
  87.       crashes, you should use a browser that does not accept gzip,
  88.       when you are testing your scripts.  Eg, lwp-request.
  89.       `GET | less` is excellent for debuggin.
  90. '''
  91. ### GLOBALS ###
  92. use_gzip = None     # Whether or not to compress the body
  93. body = ''           # The body is stored here if it is to be compressed
  94. ### END GLOBALS ###
  95. ### CONSTANTS -- Configure for your own needs ###
  96. # If the load average of the last one minute exceeds the hard coded value,
  97. # this script will return a 503 response and abort the process.
  98. max_load_avg_1min = 12      # 3.5
  99. http503_body = '''
  100. Service temporarily unavailable!
  101. Wait at least two minutes before trying again.
  102. Re-attempting prematurely may result in banning your IP address.
  103. -- END --
  104. '''
  105. #               #############################################
  106. if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
  107.     def output(s):
  108.         if isinstance(s, str):
  109.             sys.stdout.buffer.write(s.encode('utf-8'))
  110.         elif isinstance(s, bytes):
  111.             sys.stdout.buffer.write(s)
  112.         else:
  113.             raise TypeError("Unsupported datatype")
  114.     flush = sys.stdout.buffer.flush
  115. else:
  116.     output = sys.stdout.write
  117.     flush = sys.stdout.flush
  118. def overload_test(too_late=False):
  119.     '''
  120.     '''
  121.     if os.getloadavg()[0] > max_load_avg_1min:
  122.         if not too_late:
  123.             output('Status: 503\n')
  124.             output('Content-Type: text/plain\n')
  125.             output('Retry-After: 90\n')
  126.             output(http503_body)
  127.             flush()
  128.         #os.abort()
  129.         sys.exit(1)
  130. def init(write_headers=True):
  131.     '''
  132.     Initialize the module.  This function will detect if the client
  133.     support gzip.  This will also set the global variable `debug_cookie`.
  134.     If `write_headers`, write a 'Vary' and (if used)
  135.     'Content-Encoding' header.
  136.     '''
  138.     global use_gzip
  139.     global body
  140.     global debug_cookie
  142.     # This is the only place where sending a 503 message will work.
  143.     # write_h:
  144.     #   - Message body may need to be compressed.
  145.     #   - Possibility of conflicting Status headers.
  146.     # write_b:
  147.     #   - Message body may need to be compressed.
  148.     #   - Message body may be application/xhtml+xml
  149.     # done:
  150.     #   - Message body needs to be compressed if `use_gzip`.
  151.     #   - Body has already been written if not `use_gzip`.
  152.     overload_test(too_late=False)
  153.     use_gzip = 'gzip' in os.getenv('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '')
  154.     body = ''
  155.     use_gzip = False
  156.     if write_headers:
  157.         output('Vary: Accept-Encoding\n')
  158.         if use_gzip:
  159.             output('Content-Encoding: gzip\n')
  160.     debug_cookie = 'debug=on' in os.getenv('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
  161.     if 'debug=on' in os.getenv('QUERY_STRING', ''):
  162.         output('Set-Cookie: debug=on\n')
  163.         debug_cookie = True
  164.     if 'debug=off' in os.getenv('QUERY_STRING', ''):
  165.         output('Set-Cookie: debug=off\n')
  166.         debug_cookie = False
  167. def write_head(s):
  168.     write_h(s)
  169. def write_h(s):
  170.     '''
  171.     Write part of header.
  172.     Write `s` to standard output, will never go through gzip.
  173.     '''
  174.     overload_test(too_late=True)
  175.     output(s)
  176. def write_body(s):
  177.     write_b(s)
  178. def write_b(s):
  179.     '''
  180.     Write part of body.
  182.     gzip is supported by the client
  183.     -------------------------------
  185.         `s` will be appended to a local buffer
  186.         which `done` will compress and print.
  188.     gzip is not supported
  189.     ---------------------
  191.         `s` will go straight to stdout.
  192.     '''
  194.     global body
  195.     overload_test(too_late=True)
  197.     if use_gzip:
  198.         body += s
  199.     else:
  200.         output(s)
  201. def done():
  202.     '''
  203.     Done writing output.
  204.     This function will invoke gzip.
  205.     '''
  207.     overload_test(too_late=True)
  208.     if use_gzip:
  209.         gzip = subprocess.Popen(
  210.             ['gzip'],
  211.             stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
  212.             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
  213.         )
  214.         if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
  215.             body = body.encode('utf-8')
  216.             sys.stderr.write('Body encoded\n')
  217.         sys.stderr.write('Just before communicate\n')
  218.         gzip_stdout = gzip.communicate(body)[0]
  219.         sys.stderr.write('Just after communicate\n')
  220.         #gzip_stdout = things[0]
  221.         #sys.stderr.write('After extracting data\n')
  222.         #sys.stderr.write(gzip_stderr)
  223.         output(gzip_stdout)
  224.         sys.stderr.write('done() complete\n')