source code of /small-scripts/
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Quick links: __init__ dummy_progressbar extend gcd integral interactive_progressbar next_stage pascals_row test_precission update
import os
import sys
import time
class interactive_progressbar():
def __init__(self, *stages):
self.stage_counter = 0
self.n_stages = len(stages)
self.stage_title = stages
self.i = 0
self.n = 0
self.last_check = 0.0
self.p_past = (0, 0.0)
self.p_dpast = (0, 0.0)
self.tf_a = (0, 0.0)
self.tf_b = (0, 0.0)
self.tf_c = (0, 0.0)
self.start_time = 0.0
self.width = int(os.getenv('COLUMNS', '80')) - 1
self.prev_length = 0
# Print initial progress bar.
def next_stage(self):
self.last_check = 0.0
self.p_past = (0, 0.0)
self.p_dpast = (0, 0.0)
self.tf_a = (0, 0.0)
self.tf_b = (0, 0.0)
self.tf_c = (0, 0.0)
self.start_time = time.time()
self.stage_counter += 1
sys.stderr.write('\b' * self.prev_length)
if self.stage_counter > self.n_stages:
line = '{}/{}: {}'.format(
self.n_stages, self.n_stages,
self.stage_title[self.n_stages - 1]
line = '{}/{}: {}'.format(
self.stage_counter, self.n_stages,
self.stage_title[self.stage_counter - 1]
self.prev_length = len(line)
if self.stage_counter > self.n_stages:
blank = self.width - len(line) - len(' [ Done! ]')
sys.stderr.write(' [' + ' '*blank + ' Done! ]\n')
def update(self, i, n):
if time.time() - self.last_check > 1:
self.last_check = time.time()
# Calculate time left
# uses a pessimistic approximation for O(n)=n^2
time_past = time.time() - self.start_time
d_time_past = (time_past - self.p_past[1]) / (i - self.p_past[0])
dd_time_past = (d_time_past - self.p_dpast[1]) / (i - self.p_dpast[0])
self.p_past = (i, time_past)
self.p_dpast = (i, d_time_past)
# t = f(i)
# f(x) = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x
# f'(x) = 3*a*x^2 + 2*b*x + c
# f''(x) = 6*a*x + 2*b
a = (dd_time_past*i**2 - 2*d_time_past*i + 2*time_past) / (2*i**3)
b = -(dd_time_past*i**2 - 3*d_time_past*i + 3*time_past) / (i**2)
c = (dd_time_past*i**2 - 4*d_time_past*i + 9*time_past) / (2*i)
if a < 0:
a = 0
b = d_time_past
c = time_past - d_time_past*i
if b < 0:
b = 0
c = time_past/i*n
a = 0
b = dd_time_past
c = d_time_past - dd_time_past*i
if i > 10:
self.tf_a = self.tf_a[0] + 1, (self.tf_a[0]*self.tf_a[1] + a) / (self.tf_a[0] + 1)
self.tf_b = self.tf_b[0] + 1, (self.tf_b[0]*self.tf_b[1] + b) / (self.tf_b[0] + 1)
self.tf_c = self.tf_c[0] + 1, (self.tf_c[0]*self.tf_c[1] + c) / (self.tf_c[0] + 1)
a, b, c = self.tf_a[1], self.tf_b[1], self.tf_c[1]
time_left = int(round(a*n**3 + b*n**2 + c*n - time_past))
progress = time_past / (a*n**3 + b*n**2 + c*n + 1)
# Format time left
time_left_t = time.gmtime(time_left)
if time_left < 600:
time_left_s = time.strftime('%M:%S', time_left_t)[1:]
elif time_left < 3600:
time_left_s = time.strftime('%M:%S', time_left_t)
elif time_left < 86400:
time_left_s = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time_left_t)
time_left_s = str(time_left//86400) + '+'
time_left_s += time.strftime('%H:%M', time_left_t)
# Format progress bar
stage_s = '{}/{}: {}'.format(
self.stage_counter, self.n_stages,
self.stage_title[self.stage_counter - 1]
crud = len(stage_s) + len(' [] ') + len(time_left_s)
bar = '=' * int(round(progress * (self.width - crud)))
blank = ' ' * int(round((1.0 - progress) * (self.width - crud)))
# Print bar
sys.stderr.write('\b' * self.prev_length)
line = '{} [{}{}] {}'.format(stage_s, bar, blank, time_left_s)
self.prev_length = len(line)
class dummy_progressbar():
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def next_stage(self):
def update(self, i, n):
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def pascals_row(n, pb=None):
nCr(n, k) = pascals_row(n)[k]
Save pascals_row(n) and use it as an optimized nCr function when
`n` does not vary.
prev = curr = [1]
i = 0
while i < n:
i += 1
curr = [1]
j = 1
while j < i:
curr.append(prev[j-1] + prev[j])
j += 1
prev = curr
if pb is not None:
pb.update(i + 1, n)
return curr
def extend(numerator_a, denominator_a, numerator_b, denominator_b):
na, nb, d = extend(na, da, nb, db)
(3/4) + (2/3) = (9-8)/12
(3/4) - (2/3) = (9-8)/12
extend(3, 4, 2, 3) -> (9, 8, 12)
# na1 = na0 * lcm(da0, db0)/da0
# nb1 = nb0 * lcm(da0, db0)/db0
# d1 = lcm(da0, db0)
# lcm(x, y) = (x*y)/gcd(x, y)
gcd_cache = gcd(denominator_a, denominator_b)
new_numerator_a = numerator_a * (denominator_b / gcd_cache)
new_numerator_b = numerator_b * (denominator_a / gcd_cache)
new_denominator = denominator_a * (denominator_b / gcd_cache)
# Dividing with gcd_cache before multiplying is a significant optimization.
# 4 times faster for test_precission(3000, 2000, 100)
return new_numerator_a, new_numerator_b, new_denominator
def integral(n, k, x, interactive):
if interactive:
pb = interactive_progressbar(
"Pascal's triangle", "Numerator", "Denominator", "Finalization"
pb = dummy_progressbar()
a, b, p_d = extend(k, n, 1, 2*x)
p_low_n = max(0, a - b)
if a + b > 1:
p_high_n = p_d
p_high_n = a + b
ncr_row = pascals_row(n - k, pb)
# Calculate the main numerator.
# sum(i=0, n-k, nCr(n-k, i) * (-1)^i * (high^(n-i+1)-low^(n-i+1))/(n-i+1))
numerator_sum_n, numerator_sum_d = 0, 1
p_low_exp_n = p_low_n**(k+1)
p_high_exp_n = p_high_n**(k+1)
p_exp_d = p_d**(k+1)
i = n - k
while i >= 0:
# Calculate i'th term in the numerator sum.
temp_n = ncr_row[i] * (p_high_exp_n - p_low_exp_n)
temp_d = (n - i + 1) * p_exp_d
# Add to main numerator
numerator_sum_n, diff, numerator_sum_d = extend(
numerator_sum_n, numerator_sum_d,
temp_n, temp_d
if i % 2: # (-1)^i
numerator_sum_n -= diff
numerator_sum_n += diff
# Next p_low^(n-i+1) nad p_high^(n-i+1)
p_low_exp_n *= p_low_n
p_high_exp_n *= p_high_n
p_exp_d *= p_d
# Loop
pb.update(n-k-i+1, n-k+1)
i -= 1
# Calculate the main denominator.
# sum(i=0, n-k, nCr(n-k, i) * (-1)^i / (n-i+1))
denominator_sum_n, denominator_sum_d = 0, 1
i = 0
while i <= n - k:
temp_n = ncr_row[i]
temp_d = n - i + 1
# Add to main denominator
denominator_sum_n, diff, denominator_sum_d = extend(
denominator_sum_n, denominator_sum_d,
temp_n, temp_d
if i % 2: # (-1)^i
denominator_sum_n -= diff
denominator_sum_n += diff
# Loop
pb.update(i+1, n-k+1)
i += 1
# Compute integral and target.
integral_n = numerator_sum_n * denominator_sum_d
integral_d = denominator_sum_n * numerator_sum_d
# Compare
# a/b > c/d | *b *d
# ad > bc is wrong if d xor b is negative
# If d xor b is negative, ad < bc
if integral_d < 0:
integral_n, integral_d = -integral_n, -integral_d
# target_d is x and x is not negative, no test needed
return integral_n, integral_d
def test_precission(n, k, x, interactive=True):
integral_n, integral_d = integral(n, k, x, interactive)
target_n = x - 1
target_d = x
return (integral_n * target_d) > (target_n * integral_d)